Health & Safety

Our Agreement: You are responsible for you. 

Health/Safety Agreement and Disclaimer

By attending any of the classes or events offered by Jeanne-Marie Hughes, you are agreeing to take care of yourself by doing things such as: 1) Clearing your space of loose rugs and furniture before any virtual movement class; 2) Drinking water before/after classes; 3) Paying attention to your body and discontinuing any uncomfortable exercise immediately; 4) Checking with your doctor to be sure it's ok for you to do the classes you want to take. I am not a medical doctor and do not give medical advice.

By attending any of the classes or events offered by Jeanne-Marie Hughes, you represent that you understand that physical exercise carries the risk of injury, whether physical or mental. You understand that it is your responsibility to judge your physical and mental capabilities for such activities. You expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind arising out of your participation in Jeanne-Marie Hughes' classes or against Jeanne-Marie Hughes, or any person or entity involved with Jeanne-Marie Hughes. 

Emergency Contact Information 

Looking Out for Each Other in Zoom Classes

In September 2020, a university teacher in Argentina collapsed and died while conducting a Zoom class. When she collapsed, her students did not know where to send help or who to contact.

With this in mind, please do one of the following when taking a Zoom class with me: